

April 1, 2023 Median Income Levels for KS and MO Bankruptcy Filers UPDATE

Bankruptcy FAQ, Bankruptcy Law Blog, Means Test|

April 1, 2023 Median Income Levels for Kansas and Missouri Bankruptcy Filers The Means Test looks at your Median Income to determine for which Chapter of Bankruptcy you qualify: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Most individual debtors filing for bankruptcy relief are required to complete a version of Bankruptcy Form 122. On April 1, 2023, [...]

Why Am I Getting A 1099 After Filing For Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy FAQ, Debts, Tax Refunds|

Why Did I Get A 1099 Post-Discharge? I filed a Chapter 7 / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Why am I receiving a: 1099-A vs 1099-C Cancelation of Debt When a creditor writes off your debt, it means the lender has written the account off as a loss and the account is closed to future charges. [...]

Mental Health on a Budget

Mom Attorneys Managing Daily Stress|

How can I afford to see a therapist? Mental health isn’t in my budget. Professional services are so expensive, I’m already drained. Life. Is. Hard. We get it. Each year one in five women compared with one in eight men have a mental disorder, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or an eating disorder. [...]

Car Debt: The Upside Down Driver

General Law Blog|

Car Debt: Negative equity – Finance trap. Pandemic Vehicles If you looked at cars at all during pandemic, you know it wasn’t good. It wasn’t just the new cars though. Used car prices that really soared! We happened to be in the market for a vehicle for our teen during this time. I have to [...]

The Who of the Buy Now, Pay Later Credit World

General Law Blog|

Buy Now, Pay Later -- Borrower Profiles: It’s not what we thought. What is Buy Now, Pay Later? Buy now, pay later (BNBL) is a type of short-term financing that allows consumers to make a purchase and pay for it over time. When they finish shopping online and get to checkout they can break up [...]

Why Is My (Adult) Child Still Living At Home?

General Law Blog|

(ADULT) Kids: Living at home -- When is enough, enough? Not a New Question I feel like I’ve written a blog about this in the past. I know it's been the topic of more than one conversation in our office. Yet, an article in a weekly newsletter I follow caught my eye today, “Why do [...]

Why Tax Refunds Aren’t Meeting Expectations This Year

General Law Blog|

Taxes. What was the first thing that came to mind when you saw that word? A burdensome charge? Obligation? Penalties? A refund? Those that file their taxes earliest are likely anticipating a refund. For some, these funds are counted on – year after year. How are tax refunds used? Mostly to pay bills Rent Medical [...]

Six Ways a Student Loan Lawyer Can Help You

Student Loan Debt|

Student Loan Debt is a Real Problem. ...and Student Loan Law is a complex area. Luckily there are Student Loan Attorneys. A Student Loan Lawyer has completed advanced training to be able to properly assist you with your student loans. Wondering how? Read on:    

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