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Find out the Myths and Facts of filing for Bankruptcy.
December, 2020 -- (UPDATE) As we continue the COVID-19 battle grounds we have seen an increase in the number of people fighting to keep their housing. As a result, the Federal foreclosure and eviction moratorium that was set to expire at the end of December will continue. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced it's [...]
There was a recent news article about a Seattle man happy to be alive after a long struggle with COVID-19. Yet, after nearly losing the battle day after day for months – he stated what was “heart-stopping” was receiving his medical bill. A whopping $1.1 MILLION! It’s not likely that he will owe all of [...]
She suited up and took her position on the field again, self-confident and ready to play ball. I was hesitant, nervous and excited. Should we be there at all? Ready to kick off a season scheduled to start 3 months ago… It couldn’t have just been cancelled. This is JoCo! We need our Youth Sports! [...]
April, 2020 -- our COVID wallets Consumer spending plunged 13.6%, the biggest monthly decline on record. Not surprising given nationwide lock downs. Americans mainly spent on essentials given the economic uncertainty. So, the savings were a result of our circumstances. Possibilities are available to come out better than you went in. Personal income jumped 10.5%, [...]
Just because you’re eligible and took the right steps to RECEIVE your check, does NOT mean you will be the one getting it. Who can step in? Private debt collectors with active garnishments. The funds could be seized as soon as they hit your personal account. Federal government for back child support. Who cannot step [...]
On March 27, 2020, the president signed the CARES Act into law, which, among other things, provides broad relief for federal student loan borrowers. But what does it really mean for you? From March 13, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2020, the interest rate is 0% on the following types of federal student loans owned by Department of [...]
Better or worse, it is that time of year again – tax season! The tax preparation process can seem daunting to many so there are resources available. It is imperative to file your tax returns. We have countless people who come into our office and believe bankruptcy cannot help them with their tax debt and [...]
In Bankruptcy, the Means Test looks at your Median Income and Family Size to determine which Chapter you may file: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 As of November 1, 2017, the Median Income Levels have been updated. Median income levels in Kansas and Missouri are up once again, proof of a growing economy! If your [...]
The Means Test looks at your Median Income to determine for which Chapter of Bankruptcy you qualify: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 As of April 1, 2016 the Median Income Levels changed once again. Median income levels in Kansas and Missouri are up across the board! If your income has been on the border in [...]