Non-Probate Transfers

Yes, You Can Avoid Probate!

Non-Probate Transfers allow your property to legally transfer without going through Probate. Not only will these procedures save you time and money, making Estate Planning more manageable, it will benefit your family in the future.

There are several probate avoidance procedures that you can use. Some examples include:

Joint Tenancy

Joint Tenancy is a type of ownership by two or more people in which each owns an undivided interest in the entire property.

Listed Beneficiary

Listed Beneficiary is a person named to receive certain types of gifts outside probate.

Payable on Death Designation

Payable on Death Designation is an arrangement you make to give some types of personal property to another outside probate.

Transfer on Death Deed

Transfer on Death Deed is a deed prepared to allow your real estate to transfer outside probate.