My favorite time of summer is sitting outside in the evening and listening to the wind blow through the tree leaves and the chorus of katy-did, katy didn’t and trilling of cicadas.  If I close my eyes the wind almost sounds like waves breaking on a beach.  Every once in a while an owl coos out into the dusk and I am at peace.

There have been studies focused on the health benefits of nature sounds vs artificial sounds.  The studies have shown sounds of nature can lessen stress, improve overall mood, and decrease pain.  Interestingly water sounds seem to show the best improvement of a positive outlook or disposition and bird sounds are best for lowering stress.  The studies have found that recorded nature sounds provide the same relaxing benefits as live nature sounds.  The recorded nature sounds are useful when you cannot get outside.  Here in Kansas that is especially helpful during the middle of winter, when it is hard to hear the sounds of nature over teeth chattering.

The recorded nature sounds are also excellent for drowning out artificial noise when trying to fall asleep and studies suggest sleep is improved.  Better sleep, leads to less stressful days.  I use the free version of the BetterSleep app at night – bonus my kids like to makeup sound mixes before bed and it helps them fall sleep!

A recorded pleasant, familiar nature sound can also improve focus and concentration while working.  To maximize the stress relieving benefits of nature though, I try to get outside for a few minutes during the day.  A quick walk around the office building during a break or over lunch instantly clears my mind.  The sunshine, the birds, the breeze are uplifting and put me in a better place to keep working productively.

Taking the time to step outside and listen to the natural sounds around me in the evening after the kids have gone to bed, helps me move my thoughts outward so I am able to relax and enjoy the world around me.  I am not focused on the cycle of thoughts inside my mind that lead to stress.  This time allows me to breathe.  I feel my overall mood lifting.  I feel joyful.


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