Walden & Pfannenstiel, LLC:

Wednesday’s Client –


Alexander Dillon’s Journey

Alex turned to our office for help after his wife of 37 year passed away of cancer. The many months of treatment and her proceeding death had taken a toll on Alex emotionally, mentally and financially. He knew he needed help, but didn’t know what steps he should take. He had missed a fair amount of work and now bills were piling up. He really just wanted to ignore it all.


Ease the financial stress so Alex could focus again on life.


Alex had no secured or priority debt. He qualified for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and believed this was in his best interest.


Through his Chapter 7 case, Alex was able to Discharge over $54,000 of unsecured debt – much of it medical or credit card debt related to care and expenses for his late wife. He was able to return back to work without worry. He retained the things he cared about: wedding rings, his old car and his retirement accounts.

On a personal note, that was eight years ago – Alex has met a new lady friend to keep him company, make him laugh, go on rides with and enjoy the little moments.


**fictitious names & photo to protect privacy**