We are entering the most delightful time of year!  Unfortunately, the delights can cause stress, exhaustion, financial worries, and a sense of trying to survive a whirlwind.

The holidays are surrounded by expectations, some we place on ourselves and some are placed on us.  Surveys show that half of the women in the United States report higher levels of stress at the holidays.  Typically women (although there are exceptions) are dealing with gift buying for everyone, helping with travel arrangements, and worrying about the family budget.  Add work events, long school breaks, and expectations that traditions will continue leads to stress.  Stress is an unwanted holiday gift that increases blood pressure, sleep issues, and other health problems.

How are we going to reduce the stress this year?  How are we going to deal with the inevitable stress that remains after our best efforts?

Let’s start by trimming the joy sucking, unnecessary, not sure why we do it every year stuff.  My family members deck out the inside of their houses so they look like magazines – I thought I needed to do the same.  The difference – they love decorating for the holidays, I do not.  We decorate the tree and love to look at all the ornaments.  We put up a few inside decorations that are special and meaningful.  I reduce my stress by focusing on what is most important for me and my family and not focusing on expectations and you can too.

December is a month that can be crammed pack full of events and activities.  It is too much.  Again, focus on what is most important for you and your family.  Do the activities that you really look forward to each year and do not worry if they are not the picture perfect social media activities.  Let the fun happen and relish the memories.

Hopefully by eliminating the activities, expectations, and traditions that do not bring us joy we can reduce the holiday stress and deal with the remaining stress by getting plenty of sleep, eating a balanced diet, meditating, and visiting with close friends and family.

Take the time to breath and truly enjoy the season.


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