Not a yogi but want to try yoga?
Yin yoga for the win! 
I have tried “regular” yoga several times and each time it was not a great experience. I did not feel strong enough, flexible enough, or slim enough. I stumbled upon yin yoga. I searched YouTube and found several different channels offering to lead me through my yin yoga journey. The channel I have found works best for me is Yoga with Kassandra. She has a great selection of yin yoga and they contain accessible poses for beginners.
I finished my first yin yoga video session and was amazed. I felt calmer, lighter, peaceful, and thoroughly stretched out. I was able to try and hold almost all of the poses, every once in a while a pose will not feel great to me and I just do something else for those three minutes.
Yin yoga is a slower yoga that focuses on targeting the deep connective tissues of the body. The poses are held for several minutes. This makes it perfect for those who struggle to move quickly between poses (me). The poses can be challenging as you stretch and hold, but are not painful. I found I gradually could go deeper into a pose as the seconds ticked by and as I have continued.
For me the first most noticeable benefit was the stretching. I felt physically better as my muscles were not so tense. The slow steady poses help stretch the connective tissues, ligaments, and tendons. This leads to a feeling of relaxation.
The long poses and the calm nature of yin yoga help to reduce stress and anxiety. My mind focuses on how my body feels during the pose, focusing on the sensation of the stretch. I can feel myself let go of thoughts that are hanging around the edge of mind causing me stress or anxiety. For me it acts as a sort of meditation. I feel better when I am regularly following several sessions of yin yoga a week. I usually take time in the morning for yin yoga – it is a great way for me to start the day. I let go of what is unconsciously bothering me and start the day with a sense of calm energy. Nighttime is also an excellent time, especially if my mind and body feel restless.
Yin yoga helps me balance my body, mind, and emotions. It is one of several activities that helps me breathe deeper and feel happier. I hope you will try it and find your inner peace, too.